Tips for Parents of Children with ADHD

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD the following are some tips on how to move forward without the guilt or blame:

Learn About ADHD — Being informed about your child’s diagnosis will also help you to better understand your child’s behavior.

Maintain A Positive Attitude — Remember that your child is not his ADHD.  S/he has many wonderful qualities and it is important to praise them.  Acknowledging your child’s positive traits will help to keep up his/her self-confidence.  It will also serve as a reminder of the qualities you value in them during more stressful situations.

Have Patience — At times, your child’s behaviors might be frustrating, worrisome, or embarrassing.  Be aware of those behaviors that will not have significant negative consequences and choose to let them go. Be flexible and understand that many of your child’s behaviors are related to their ADHD.

Take Care of Yourself — Be sure to take time for your own relaxation.  Parents of children with ADHD benefit from planned personal time.  Setting aside time to release stress will increase your frustration tolerance, helping you to deal with problem behaviors in a calm, productive way.

Know That You Are Not Alone — Support groups for parents of children with ADHD can be found in most areas, as well as online.  Having a community that understands what you, your child, and your family are dealing with will be helpful in learning new, productive ways to build a path to success.  Reach out to these groups as well as mental health professionals who can help you determine the right treatment options for your child.

Our team at CEPD Psych can help you and your child to get on and stay on the road to success.  Together, we can determine what problem behaviors can and should be addressed, develop and implement a plan to change those behaviors, provide emotional support for you, your child, and your family, and work on strengthening your child’s ability to focus his/her attention. Contact us to book a consultation today.


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